Monday, February 9, 2009

Rise and Shine!

Just got back from PT. it was an interesting experience to say the least. it's great to be up right now and already have a work out in before 7!! i LOVE structure! it makes me do things i wouldn't be motivated to do on my own haha. It was very watered down military style Calisthenics. The leg work outs i was OK with but the push ups were killing me. we did 3 rounds of the work out. so 3 sets of 15 push ups and for those of u that know my amazing upper body strength..well... u can imagine how well i did haha. By round 3 it was hard to finish a set of anything. that was so frustrating. i know after a week or two it will get better. We aren't really doing running with them so I'm just running on my own. There is a really nice path by the water. It's gorgeous when the sun is rising or setting. and yes, i am now getting up before the sunrise.

We have been spending time with our "pod" teams. these are temporary teams. it's a lil sad because we will be getting our official teams today. These teams will be who we are with for all of our projects and such. i'm kind of anxious cuz i like my pod team and TL (team leader). i'm hoping the permanent team will work out just as well since we will be together all year. I'll let ya know how it goes. There's a good mix of people here. i've been getting made fun of wicked bad for the boston accent. if i come back saying words like ya'll or hella, i apologize ahead of time. though there are a good amount of people from the northeast.

my housemates are the best. i know i'm bias but they really are awesome. They are.... Julie from Ohio, Melissa from Cali, Emma Chicago (also my roomie, and our room is decked out in red sox and cubs apparel. no yankees so thats great of course), Beth from Maryland, Danelle from Virginia, and Chloe from Pennsylvania (newbie roomate! she found out that she got accepted on Wed. when we were already here and got here by thursday. so sweet.) By the way it was 69 degrees here yesterday! that was unbelievable. K well i guess i should go get ready for the day. enjoy today : )


  1. Hi Colleen,
    Looks good, loved the pixs. House looks cozy.
    Love your view. Was that sunrise or sunset?
    Miss you. Don't forget to check for your box we sent down to you with the other stuff.
    miss you
    love mom

  2. I'm so jealous of your warm weather. I know it's only February, but I'm ready for the snow to go. Glad to hear things are going so well!

  3. Dear Colleen,

    Wow! That was fast. So is it everything you hoped for? Here's a good tip; if you keep saying "wicked bad", you'll never lose your true Boston roots. And everyone will continue to make fun of you. And that's a GOOD thing. So do not lose "wicked" from your vocabulary.

    Any MD crab cakes yet? You have a beautiful house and view. Love that you're up early for workouts - that's a great way to begin the day. I gotta jump and get back to "Closer" writing. But just wanted to say "yah" for the smooth transition and keep me posted on things. Will talk soon.

    Love, UKP M
