Sunday, December 14, 2008

Soooo this is the start of my AmeriCorps blog. I've never done a blog before but I thought it would be a good idea for this upcoming year to record my experiences for myself and to keep in touch with all of u crazy people that i love.

In a little over a month I will be leaving for Marlyand to take on my AmeriCorps NCCC adventures. For those of u that are still wondering what it is I am doing.... it is similar to the Peace Corps but within our country. Also, it is for 10 months, not two years. We work in many different areas such as education, environment, disaster relief, and any other unmet needs. It's something I have been looking into for a few years now. I finally got the courage to follow through with my plans to join, which is something i never really talked about with anyone cuz i wanted to be sure it was possible first!

I don't have any idea where I will be once we are done with training. So if you want to follow my adventures with me, then feel free : ) i can't promise entertaining writing, but i will do my best!


  1. You never cease to entertain us all Coll!
    We'll miss you much!

  2. Hey colleen,
    You go girl!! Light the world on fire,keep us posted. We are so proud of you!!
    Your awesome,
    A. Katie

  3. Hey Col,
    Loved the update. Stay strong next week. PT can be tough but I know you have always been able to keep going. You can & will do anything!
    love & miss your singing,
